New design trends and fast prototypes

Design UX/UI

User experience and a modern design. With us you get the latest trends

Our UX and UI designers know how to create nautical charts that provide a good user experience and put your idea in the right light.

You can have us design your website or app and then have our developers convert it directly into code. Our design impresses with modern approaches and a lot of individuality. We don't want to be like others. We don't have run-of-the-mill products. Instead, we have a whole lot of new concepts and practical experience.

Packaging is crucial

Even if the most beautiful packaging can't turn rubbish into gold, it's still true that we choose an application primarily based on its design.

However, if we can't use a software well, it's of no use to us, despite all its great features and beautiful design.





UX and UI

It is now common sense to divide the app design process into two areas: UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface). The UI follows the UX.


The UX is based on the points of contact or touchpoints a user has with a company. The UX designer asks himself the following questions: Where does a user come from? Where is he? And where is he going?

For example, a user could click on an online commercial to get to the company's website, put items in the shopping cart and then buy them via the website's purchasing system. On this path through the website, the user experiences various touchpoints. These are referred to as UX.

In order to understand which touchpoints the user of an app passes through, the UX designer must be well informed about the wishes of his customer (the respective company) and the needs of the users. To do this, the right questions must be asked and answered in advance. The market, the target group and many other factors must be analyzed. The UX designer knows the tools and techniques to obtain the necessary information.


Good UI design is more than just aesthetics - it makes apps accessible and easy to use for everyone. A good user interface helps users to find their way around intuitively, to quickly grasp important information and to carry out actions without any problems. A key aspect of this is accessibility: an accessible UI ensures that even people with disabilities, such as visual impairments or motor challenges, can use the app effortlessly. For example, buttons should be clearly visible and indicate that they are interactive through hover states or slight animations. These small hints not only help users to understand that a function is available, but also improve the overall user experience.

In addition, good UI design increases user efficiency and productivity because they have to spend less time finding and understanding functions. It reduces frustration, which increases user satisfaction and increases the likelihood that users will return regularly. A clear and appealing design also increases trust in the app, as users feel that it has been worked on with care and professionalism. Ultimately, a well-thought-out UI design helps to ensure that the app is intuitive, pleasant and successful to use.

Design for all users

Accessibility in the UI

Yes, that's right! Accessibility. Perhaps not the first term that comes to mind when you open an app.

However, accessibility actually plays an extremely important role in UI design. When choosing colors, the designer has to take various factors into account:

Contrasts and colors: In Germany alone, around 4 million people are affected by color vision disorders, which means that they either have difficulty recognizing certain colors or cannot recognize them at all.

Are you interested in this topic? Find out more here about why an accessible UI is essential for your digital project:

Accessible UI

Topic Toggle: More than just a visual change

Interactive Design

You've probably already discovered it: the theme toggle.

A button that lets you change the theme of an app from light to dark. At first glance, it's a nice little gimmick for the user. But of course the theme toggle has special features that aren't immediately apparent:

Among other things, your phone can save energy in dark mode. And speaking of accessibility - the ability to switch to dark mode is particularly important for people who are sensitive to light. Dark mode also makes using a smartphone in a dark environment much more relaxing for the eyes. It's best to switch to dark mode before going to bed so as not to prevent the release of melatonin.

Design by code

Data-Driven Development

Developers don't just need the design, but above all the data behind it in order to implement it in code in a pixel-perfect manner.

We store individual functional areas, color values ​​and other relevant data of the design in components. Our developers can extract all the data they need to implement the design from these components. This is how the design communicates with development.

MVP: Cost-Efficient Testing and Design Factors

The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a product development stage in which a concept is implemented with the lowest possible investment, which is then presented to the customer or a target group as a so-called preliminary product and made available for use and testing. In the best case, there is a feedback round in which it can be discussed which functions are impressive and which should be improved or even omitted.
The MVP therefore saves us a lot of time and money.

Corporate Identity

The corporate identity is formed from the visible characteristics of a company, such as the logo, the design of the website or app, the social media presence, the products. And also from the subjective characteristics, such as the company goals, charitable projects and what the company stands for.

All of these characteristics form an overall image of a company that is visible to the outside world, the so-called CI (corporate identity).

Find out more about the importance of a convincing CI:

Corporate Identity

We don't care about appearances.

Because as you now know, design is not just what you see on the surface.

Design responds to your needs and emotions, it is inclusive, structured and, in the best case, it captivates you.

How much does a professional design cost?

Did you expect to find fixed prices here?

It is simply not possible to name fixed prices for a project. But we can show you some parameters here that influence the final price of a project:

  • Billing is done in hours. This means that the more time it takes, the more it costs.

  • Of course, the scope of the project is the main deciding factor. Scope means how many pages and components your project should have and how complex they should be designed. For example, with additional 3D models and/or animations.

It is also crucial whether a logo or CI already exists for the project, or whether these should also be created as part of the project.

If you would like to know more, contact us and give us a few more details about your project.